Posts tagged eco wedding
Ways to Make Your Wedding Eco Friendly

Weddings, just like any other large event, produce a lot of “waste”. But like….a LOT of it. According to the Green Bride Guide, about 400-600 POUNDS (or 181-272 kg for you non-Americans) of waste is accumulated PER WEDDING and The New York Times estimates around 57,152 kilograms of CO2. This isn’t to say “skip the reception”, but there are ways to be more eco-friendly when planning. Here’s how:

Reduce the amount of paper goods

Weddings go through a ton of paper, from the invite suite to programs/menus to signage. The easiest thing you can do is simply reduce to the bare minimum of what you need (I mean, honestly, no one needs a ceremony program and your save the dates can be via email). However, if you insist on having a lot of each of these things, it’s recommended to print on “seed paper”. Yes, paper that is literally made of seeds so when it’s planted or thrown out, it’s reincarnated into plants or is at least biodegradable. For signage, you can rent chalkboards or glass and have a calligrapher write out what you need and then it can all be cleaned and returned post-wedding.

go local

A solid majority of wedding waste comes from importing. From food to flowers to vendors, there’s a lot going on. By selecting local (and seasonal) food, wines, flowers, and vendors, there’s less transportation and you get to support local businesses. Bonus: the food will taste better and the flowers will be prettier. Speaking of blooms, you can reduce the amount you need by taking the ceremony arrangements and reusing them at the reception. Win for the environment AND your wallet (flowers aren’t cheap, ya’ll).

Make it biodegradable

We already went over having seed paper for the paper goods, but we can do more. If you’re planning on having confetti or balloons (looking at you, bridal shower balloon arch), make sure they’re the biodegradable kind. There are even eco-friendly fireworks! Regular fireworks work up a lot of smoke contaminating the atmosphere, but the eco option is clean burning and uses a nitrogen based fuel which emits very little smoke.

Reduce fumes

Speaking of smoke, let’s talk about transportation. There’s a few different things that can impact this:

1) Provide a shuttle or a bus to/from the venue from your hotel blocks: less cars at the venue and everyone can drink

2) Have your ceremony and reception at the same venue (your guests will also appreciate this)

3) If you’re having a destination wedding (aka a location where you know everyone has to travel), keep the guest list as small as possible. Weddings produce 75 times the CO2 emissions of an average in-town wedding just off of guest travel alone.

rent & borrow

After you make a list of all the things you need for the wedding, go through and highlight everything you could possibly rent (your planner will have contacts for this as well) for your linens, decor, dishes/cutlery, or even outfits (tuxes and bridesmaid dresses). Next, see what you can buy second hand at a thrift shop. This could include welcome party/rehearsal dinner/after party outfits, decor, guest “book” options, or jewelry. Lastly, what could you borrow from a relative or close friend? This could usually be accessories like jewelry, shoes, or a veil. Or signage and decor (you would not believe the amount of stuff people accumulate from their own weddings and would be happy to let you buy/borrow!). Won’t know until you ask!

Interested in thrifting for your wedding? We have a whole blog post about it! Click here to read

give back

Lastly, find a way to off-set your wedding carbon footprint. First, use this calculator to determine how big your footprint will be. One bride I read about in the New York Times donated money to a non-profit that plants trees and others donate to other non-profit green organizations. You can choose vendors and venues that use more sustainable methods such as solar panels, insulated walls/window, biodegradable materials, and LED lights. Some companies even plant trees just for spending money with them (hello, Capital One Travel!). But my favorite (simple) way is to plant a tree for your unity ceremony. It’s the “greenest” thing you could do and it’s integrated into the wedding day. You know what they say about birds and stones.

So, go forth and plan…sustainably. Even if you’re not able to do much, every little bit helps. There’s about 2.5 MILLION weddings a year, so if each couple just did one or two things more eco-friendly, that’s a lot of impact. What will you do for yours? Let us know!


Samantha Shammas, Author and Owner of SamiaLynn