Posts tagged timeless wedding
Timeless Wedding Details- People Submissions!

Trends can be fun and for those that have been married for a while, it can be even funny to look back on what you (initially) thought was important or looked good. So I asked people who have been married for 5+ years what details they still LOVED about their wedding day. Not everything will last the test of time, but these did for them! So if you’re in the middle of wedding planning and are probably a little overwhelmed, maybe one of these notes will help some of those decisions:

“We really made it ‘our vibe’! Classic vintage with a quirky twist. I also DIY’d a lot!


“Spending 10 minutes alone, just the two of us right after the ceremony before greeting people. We also had a live band, lots of dancing, and an open bar! It was so fun!”


“Instead of a guest book, we had folks write us letters that we would open in the future. We opened letters on year 1, 5, 7, and then the last will be opened this year at year 10. We’ve had so much fun on those anniversaries, popping open a bottle of champagne and reading wonderful notes from everyone who was there with us that night”


“We did NOT do a first look. As much as I love them from the planning side, I’m glad we didn’t do it.”


“I tell everyone to do this (and our planner told us): While everyone was at cocktail hour, we had a private room overlooking the [cocktail hour] space where we were able to drink champagne and eat appetizers in peace for 10-15 minutes together. It was a way to see the decor and our guests celebrating without anyone knowing we were on the balcony above observing and taking a moment for ourselves”


“We loved doing a first dance, a garter toss, and a fun exit!”


“Our wedding was in St. Lucia and we spent a week before and after the wedding there. People filtered in and out based on availability, but we got to spend real time with everyone instead of just the wedding day (when you really don’t spend time with anyone)”


“I had three flower girls and I don’t regret that. I loved them!”


“We did our first look before the ceremony so all our photos were already taken. After the ceremony we spent 30 minutes together in private before joining the party. Being able to mingle with friends and family during cocktail hour was important to us. Almost 10 years later and it’s still the best part of the night outside of dancing!”


At the end of the day, make your wedding your own and concentrate on what’s most important to you both. Remember to take even a few minutes to just soak in those special moments alone. Whether it’s during a first look, after the ceremony, or a private dance at the end of the night; because the entire point of the WHOLE THING is that you got married to your special person and the stress and adrenaline of planning can sometimes take from that.

If you’ve been married for over 5 years and have something to add, let us know in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you.


Samantha Shammas, Author and Owner of SamiaLynn